Teaching children to be safe around animals

Dr Simon and Milton at St John's

Teaching children responsible pet ownership and how to behave safely around animals is an important part of their broader development, particularly with 40% of households having at least one pet.

The AVA PetPEP (Pets and People Education Program) is an education program set up to do just that – it teaches pre and primary school students about the responsibilities associated with owning pets, and safe behaviour around animals.  

Dr Simon regularly conducts PetPEP visits to local schools and daycare groups.  They’re always fun and Milton loves being around the kids … not to mention being the centre of attention!

The image is of Dr Simon and Milton on recent PetPEP visits to St John’s Pre-School in Eight Mile Plains.

If you live in Eight Mile Plains, Rochedale, Mt Gravatt or Underwood and would like Dr Simon to visit your child’s school, get your school to complete the 2019 booking form and ask for the Eight Mile Plains Vet Surgery to conduct the visit.