We wanted to update our valued clients and the EMPVS community on the status of surgery during these unsettled times. At this stage, we are business as usual, with appointments scheduled with discretion in order to minimise interpersonal contact.
Our hygiene practices have always exceeded those currently required by COVID-19 – we disinfect all contact surfaces after each consultation and clean the remainder of the surgery several times daily. As we deal with illness on a daily basis – including those which are infectious – our protocols are already designed to ensure safe contact for our human and fur clients.
Vets are often at the front line of outbreaks of this kind given their experience in bio-security and dealing with disease and we expect that Vet Surgeries will be considered essential services should a full lockdown occur.
We will keep you posted of further updates as the government’s directives change but rest assured we be able to continue to provide our services in some form be it home visits, video medicine and medicine pick up/drop off. Dr Simon is equipped with a full hazmat suit and mask + surgical gloves should the need arise 🙂
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the surgery on (07) 3841 2733 or email info@empvs.com.au